
Gold Saints' Childhood chapter 3

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Monster! Evil! You shouldn't be here at all! You are just a burden to your brother and the Sanctuary. You are just Aspros' second. Your existence is an eyesore to this world. You should just die!

The young boy covered his ears and closed his eyes hoping the voices would go away. However, it didn't, it only got worse.

It is your fate! You were born under the chaos star and only exist to cause destruction. Aspros doesn't want you. After all you are his second and only a shadow. Because of you, your brother gets hurt.

The boy opened his eyes slowly. He started to cry. The trainees and saint were right about everything. He was a burden to his brother. In fact, it would be better if he didn't exist. So Aspros wouldn't get hurt and he would have a more secure future of being the Gemini saint. It didn't matter what happen to him. Aspros was more important and he want Aspros to be happy. So...if he died right now, he won't be a burden to Aspros....right?

He slowly walked to the drawer and pulled it out. There was a knife, a few forks and spoons in the drawer. He took the knife carefully as if it was fragile. He closed the drawer and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and brought the knife close to his neck.

"I am sorry, brother but this is for the best," he whispered to himself.

He was about to stab himself with the knife but someone held him back. He opened his eyes and gasped. He let go of the knife and it fell on the floor.

"Brother?" he whispered, uncertainly.

"What are you doing, Defteros?" Aspros asked.

" weren't supposed to see this."

"Why? Is it because the others said that you are my second?"

"No! That is not it...Why did you stop me? It is better if I am not alive. I am just a burden to you."

"What? You are not a burden! You are my brother!"

"You mean your shadow. You were born under the Gemini star while I was born under the star of chaos."

"Don't be ridiculous! Both of us are the same person. If you died, I will died too."

"What do you mean by that? I am doing this for your good. I don't want you to follow me where you can't follow."

"Then don't go to the place where I can't follow. Defteros, I don't care what the other people say. You are my brother and nothing can change that. I love you. So no matter what, please don't degrade yourself. Because if you do, you are also degrading me."

"But I don't want to hurt you. One day, I might turn against you and I don't want that to happen. Besides, even now you are protecting me and getting hurt because of me..."

"I am getting hurt because of the guards not because of you. I made the decision to protect you. Also, do you really believe you would hurt me in the future? I know you. You are my brother. You will never hurt me because you are a kind person. So please don't do this. If you die, I will be really sad. If you really don't want to hurt me, please don't do this."


"Because you are precious and important to you. Aren't I important to you?"


Defteros's eyes started to get watery.

Defteros whispered softly, "Brother..."

Aspros hugged Defteros letting him cry on his shoulder while he patted his back.

"It is alright," Aspros whispered back.

"Thank you."

Aspros smiled softly. He was glad that it was over and that his brother wouldn't be rash to do something like that again. However, he quickly frowned when he realized something. The other trainees and saints won't stop bullying Defteros no matter what. He didn't want Defteros to get hurt or be sad. There was only one way to solve this problem. He remembered the reason why everyone hated Defteros because the pope told him that Defteros was born under the star of chaos. He ordered Defteros to hide his presence with a mask and to never be allowed to watch other saints trained in fear that he might learn how to fight and might turned against the Sanctuary in the future. He didn't blame the pope because the pope only did what he thought was best for the Sanctuary. If the pope really hated his brother, he would have ordered his execution which he didn't. He understood the pope's fear but he didn't believe that his brother would be cruel enough to turn against him and the Sanctuary. He decided if he became the pope, then his brother would be the new Gemini saint. Nobody would hurt or bully his brother again. He would live freely and happily, not hidden in the shadows. All of that would only be possible if he could be pope. He smiled. At least his brother was not going to be condemned to this life. He had to work more harder to become stronger. From there, he would become the Gemini saint and then pope. When he became pope, he promised that he won't let anyone hurt his brother.

~Four years later~

The boy was slammed to the wall by one of the guards. The boy yelped in pain but glared at the guard.

"Defteros, you bastard! How dare you show yourself in front of everyone? When will you learn? And to spy on your older brother. You know you're forbidden to watch the training of a saint. That look in your eyes...The difference between you and your brother is obvious. You who were born under the star of chaos! That mask may hide your presence but it cannot hide the evil that dwells within you!" the head guard yelled. "You should just disappear from this world!"

The guard readied his whip and hit Defteros. Defteros' eyes widened in fear but the whip never hit him. It hit his brother, Aspros instead.

"Aspros!" Defteros shouted in surprise.

"Don't you dare harm my brother!" Aspros shouted.

The guard was surprised at what Aspros did.

"Don't get involved in this, Aspros! That guy is not worth it! Your guardian
constellation will allow you to become one of the most powerful saints. It is foolish of you to associate with someone like your brother whose life has no meaning."

Defteros glared at the guard and gritted his teeth.

Aspros said, "You just cannot understand. All of you are trying to decide our
lives by yourselves. But Defteros and I are the same! If one ceases to exist, then the other will disappear as well!"

The guard stared at him for a while then turned away. "Hah! Some brotherly love! But... living merely to hide in your older brother's shadow...Can you find any worthwhile meaning to your life, second?"

Defteros only stared at the man as he leave. Although Defteros didn't answer him, he already had an answer. He didn't care about living in his brother's shadow. If it mean he could be with his brother, then he was happy. His brother meant everything to him. He was precious to him. He turned to look at his brother who is rubbing his shoulder, the same shoulder that got hit because of him again.

"Does your shoulder hurt, Aspros?" Defteros asked.

Aspros answered," It is nothing that won't heal. But I am glad that you are

"You were worried about your shadow?"

"You are not my shadow! Don't listen to what those guys say! And I will not allow
them to continue calling you "second"." Aspros said angrily. "I will become stronger! Strong enough to make it so you don't have to wear that mask anymore. I will continue to climb higher and higher until both of us can live freely."

"You are a dreamer, Aspros."

Despite what he said, he smiled at Aspros. He hoped that the light he shine will
help guide him higher and higher until you reach the zenith where you belong. He knew that was what Aspros want. He saw how Aspros had been training harder after that particular incident. At first, he was confused. Now he understood...


Defteros watched his brother trained behind the pillars. Every day, he always watched his brother and made sure his brother didn't know. He had been noticing that his brother had been training harder, more harder than usual. He saw his brother had a determined look on his face as he trained. His brother was so focused and he wondered why. Then he saw two more boys came to his brother and talked to him. He recognized them as Sisyphus, the future Sagittarius saint and Hasgard, the future Taurus saint. They talked a little more and then trained. He continued to watch them. After three hours of nonstop training, Aspros decided to leave to take a break and Hasgard went with him. Sisyphus nodded at them and watched them leave. Defteros waited a little while for Aspros to be gone and was about to go after him. However, he heard Sisyphus call out to him. He froze. It seemed that he was found out. Should he run or go to Sisyphus?

"Defteros, I know you are there. It is alright. I am not going to report you...or hurt you."

Defteros slowly turned around to see Sisyphus smiling softly at him.

"So spying on your brother again?"

Defteros flinched. He knew.

"I am Sisyphus. You must be Defteros. We never met before so let's get to know
each other a little better before they come back, alright?"

Defteros nodded stiffly and sat down beside him. They talked for a little and Defteros realized that he is not like the others. He was kind and understanding towards him.

"Did you noticed that your brother is training harder than usual?"

"Yes, I did. I wonder why...It must be because he really want to be the Gemini saint."

"Or it could be for a deeper motive."

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't notice? He cares about you. Did you know a gold saint can become the
pope if the last pope choose him? Pope Sage used to be the Cancer saint."


"Yes...and when you are pope, nobody can question his authority."


Then Defteros realized what Sisyphus was telling him. Aspros was working hard for his sake. He want Defteros to be recognized and not have to live in the shadows anymore. While Defteros was deep in thought, Sisyphus was looking at him to see how he would react. He knew about what was going on but didn't fully tell Defteros. Maybe he was smart enough to know and understand.

"Thank  you," Defteros finally spoke.

Sisyphus smiled as Defteros stood up and walked away. As Defteros was walking, he kept on thinking. Although he was watching his brother train, he was not training at all. He was just watching out of boredom and curiosity. But now, maybe he could put his knowledge into use. After hearing what Sisyphus told him and knowing Aspros's motivation, he just couldn't stand back and do nothing. He didn't want to be a burden to Aspros and want to help in any way he can. He stared at the huge rock beside him. He could train to be as strong as Aspros...Yes, he could do that. If he trained to be stronger, he could support his brother in his dream. He wouldn't be a burden as long as nobody knows. He got behind the rock and tried to punch it. The rock split in two and he jumped back in surprise. Even though that was his intention, it still took him by surprise. However, he quickly recovered and smiled to himself. He will trained hard to support his brother. He won't be a burden anymore.

~End Flashback~


Defteros snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his brother.

"Yes, brother?"

Aspros asked, "I was asking how did the guards caught you again? Were you
actually spying on me?"

Defteros want to tell him the truth but he knew it was best if it remain a secret.

"No, brother. I would never do that."

Aspros smiled in relief. "I know you won't. When I was talking to you, you seem deep in thought. Don't worry. I will make that dream come true for both of our sakes."

"I never doubt you."

"That is good to hear. Now, let's head back."


Defteros followed Aspros as he lead the way. Defteros smiled to himself. He
promised to himself that he will be there for Aspros no matter what just like Aspros was always there for him.
Follow the Gold saints when they were much younger. There are funny, happy, sad times they face together before the Holy War. I don't own Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas' characters. At first, I had an idea and had a plan where this would go but later on...I had no idea where this would go. Oh well, this is a strange chapter especially the beginning... Either way, when I wrote this chapter, a deviantart friend was feeling upset so here is something to cheer her up. I am sorry if it gets kind of confusing, the original chapter had some italics so you would understand but I don't know how to put italics in here. This picture is from here:…

Chapter 2:…
Chapter 4:…
© 2014 - 2024 Purestrongpoem
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Salem143's avatar
I like defteros to.